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About Me

Rebecca Tibball


For the past nine years I have been on a journey battling Lyme Disease and many other co-infections and illnesses that accompany this terrible disease. This has been a  relentless fight that has taken me through various routes of treatment.  Despite my determination and countless efforts, the road to healing has been filled with challenges.  My valid attempts at finding a solution failed  repeatedly and I was unable to find the relief I so desperately wanted and needed.  Years of suffering with brain fog, dizziness, chronic fatigue, achy joints, and neuropathy to name a few,  left me  with a feeling that I might never be healthy again.  One of the biggest losses I faced was the fourteen years I spent teaching.  A job I desperately loved, but was no longer able to do.    Relationships with friends and family suffered and in some instances were tarnished and ruined.  As my daily life became defined by this disease I found myself unable to leave my house except for daily doctor’s appointments.  I lost who I was as a mother, daughter, wife and friend.


My attempts at healing were long and vigorous.  From Antibiotics, IV Therapy, Rife treatments , Bee Venom Therapy and countless amounts of naturopathic/homeopathic remedies.  Initially they seemed to work, but my relief was short lived and I would fall ill yet again.  Desperate, I began research into my next attempt at regaining my health.  I was running out of options so with this last attempt to wellness I began my treatment with Biomagnetism.  This profound treatment healed me of my ailments and allowed me to become the healthy mother, friend and teacher I am today.  Without a moment of hesitation, I decided to take my personal experience with Biomagnetism and become trained as an Emotion Protocol Biomagnetic Pair Therapist.   I am currently certified as a Chronic Illness Life Coach and was trained in Usui Shiki Ryoho: The Usui System of Reiki Healing.   My own healing has become my driving force to become an instrument in helping others embark upon their own healing journey. 

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